Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Results of the 2nd Fit Test

So, here is the deal... I worked HARD last night to get the best results possible. I was concerned about getting the true number of reps so I got my dear sweet teenaged daughter to help me out. My concern is that I may have miscounted the first time BUT these numbers are accurate. I pushed harder and succeeded. I am a little disappointed with some of the numbers but hey... I was moving!! The first numbers are in ()

Here they are:

1. Switch Kicks - (79) 93

2. Power Jacks - (38) 42

3. Power Knees - (80) 85

4. Power Jumps - (31) 31

5. Globe Jumps - (9) 13

6. Suicide Jumps - (13) 13

7. Push up Jacks - (6) 13

8. Low Plank Obliques - (50) 55

And my HRM stats:

Duration: 35:50
Calories: 286
Fat burn: 15:53
Fitness: 20:37
Average: 131
Maximum: 176

Whew! What a night and Cardio Circuit tonight :D Can't wait...

Make it a great day!


Laura said...

Holy globe jumps batgirl! I think that was my final number on those suckers. LOL. I loathe them. Keep up the awesome work!!!

Katrina (Betty Ray) said...

Great work girlfriend!! You've gotten so great improvements there. Keep up the great work.