Monday, May 9, 2011

couch to 5K - week three recap

Good morning fellow bloggers! I just finished up week three and today begins week four of the C25K program. I have given up on trying to catch up with the X (forgive me Tony) but right now I really want to learn to run while my joints are well enough to do it. I am feeling cautiously excited about increasing my running time from 9 minutes (in week 3) to 16 minutes this week. I am going to keep telling myself that I can and the result will be that I WILL. You just have to get your mind right and forget about your body trying to scream... and you just do it.

I should mention that my rheumatologist has re-prescribed prednizone again even though I am on Remicade. He was unhappy with the inflammation that is still in my joints and claims that I should not be feeling that... I wonder if I will ever find the recipe that will keep the inflammation away, but I am being patient.

So, here are the facts:

W3, D1: I was so scared of this run but I did a great job; however, I dropped the speed a bit too much and really didn't get the calorie burn that I was hoping for. I forgot to stop my HRM so it marked 418 BUT that was 30 minutes after my run. Avg HR was 121 and max was 171

W3, D2: I increased the speed a bit... took it back up to 5.6 and was breathing heavy but my head was not good that day neither. My average HR was 142 and my maximum HR was 176 for a calorie burn of 332

W3, D3: I decided to take it to the streets and ran to the second range of our town. I chose to take the gravel roads because it offered more cushion. The elevation was certainly not at 0 like the treadmill and it showed in my HR. My avg HR was 153 and my max was 179 for a calorie burn of 363. I should say that I saw two deer on my run and I have decided that although it is more challenging, I think that I like outdoor running more. I like the change of scenery, I like the fresh air and I like the feeling of "going somewhere" BUT I don't like that I am forced to pace myself... I have to learn that skill yet.

SO, that was my week of C25K and I am moving on to week four this week. I wonder how long it took all of you runners to see a difference in your running... am I really going to be a runner in 9 weeks? Can that happen? I hope so...

Make it a great day!


Katrina (Betty Ray) said...

Yay for week 3 being in the bag!! And yes, you can become a runner in 9 weeks. Just take it slow so you don't hurt yourself. And oh boy, pacing yourself. I have not learned that skill in 4 or 5 years yet so I'm not sure it's so easy. LOL

I'm praying you find a good combination of medications to make life and your joints more comfortable.

Anne said...

You're doing great! Your average HR gets a little high though, perhaps you're running too fast for your level of fitness (that's what happened to me at the beginning). I had to work hard (mentally) to hold back and stay within my aerobic zone (HR under 145)...but I felt better. You'll get there, just keep taking it one day at a time.

Ugh for pred...hope they can find a way to keep you off it.

Keep on getting the runs in :)

Laura said...

Congrats on getting through 3 weeks!!! I'm amazed by you... and yes, you will be a runner in 9 weeks!

I am awful at pacing myself too... maybe that's why I hate running. :)