Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cancer takes some of the best so I am going to help KICK it's ASS!

Have you ever had a person make such an impact in your life that you know that you would not be the same person today had it not been for them? Have you ever watched two people who truly loved each other, and then have one of them longing to be with the other after death has taken one of them? Have you ever witnessed the peace that comes over someone who is passing as they know that they are finally going to live their eternal existance with their one true love? I have!! And I miss them so much that I can not even explain it!

My Poppie passed away from cancer in 2006 and I miss him everyday. I loved him so much and for so many reasons. When my Dad was suffering with alcoholism I would seek counsel from Poppie. When my Mom and Dad were arguing and not getting along (because of Dad's drinking) I would go to my grandparents house and see what true love looked like. I can still see my Granddad polishing the furniture on Saturday when Mum was doing the Saturday cleaning. I can still hear my Grandma (Mum) singing hymns in the kitchen as she baked and the look in my Poppies eyes as he listened and hummed along. And I can still hear my Mum telling Poppie to cut it out when he sang along because of all the things he did well singing was not one of them!

My Poppie was a gift, not only to me and the whole family but to this country that we live in. He fought in WWII and was wounded and lost a lung as a result. He was a man who believed in God, his wife and his family and he is a man that is missed greatly.

I love you Mum and Poppie, may you both rest in peace... together! Know that on June 11 I will be fighting too ... fighting against cancer! If you have lost a loved one and would like to help me fight, please pledge me as I walk the Relay for Life. You can go here and pledge as much as you are able and every dollar helps us fight together! Thank you to those who have given already... we are in this together!

1 comment:

Muffy Morgan said...

Hey girl! Thanks for following me! I'm so sorry for your loss. It's awesome you are doing something so positive like Relay for Life! And P90X?!?! You are MY HERO!