Thursday, June 2, 2011

B210K - week 1- in the books

Well, I have week one of the Bridge to 10K program under my belt and I am so pleased with myself. I started by running 4 miles the first day, on the treadmill, and felt relieved when it was over. The second day I ran outside and ran about 7.5kms and felt like I really accomplished something. Then the third day I ran outside again and ran 8 kms and felt tired :P Every day was a new feeling but overall I am proud of getting out there and putting it all on the line.

After Terri Lynn's recommendation I have decided to take the breaks that are suggested and do the program as it was designed. I am doing chest and back, arms and shoulders and a long bike ride on the other three days that are not dedicated to running. This should make the transition back to P90x in the cold days of late fall and winter much easier.

So, here are the facts of the first week's workouts:

Day 1:
638 calories
Average HR: 150
Max HR: 179

Day 2:
666 calories
Average HR: 162
Max HR: 175

Day 3:
680 calories
Average HR: 160
Max HR: 178

Make it a great day folks! Happy Trails :D


Scrappytbear said...

So glad you are enjoying! There will be tired days, yup. And they often have nothing to do with what youve been doing. its oddd but it's your body's way of telling you something; about your sleeping, eating, or activity maybe? All a great get to know yourself experience!

Anne said...

You are doing so great! Taking the rest days is great advice...and a little cross-training on those days is a good idea. I'm so impressed with the progress you've made already.